We do everything by the light of the sun and the stars

Transparency about product and process quality is one of our core principles. We carefully select our raw materials to ensure the goodness and integrity of each product, and we have a secret that not everyone knows: to keep our basil as fresh as possible, we collect it at night and process it within a few hours of harvesting.

Preserve to innovate

We adopt a sustainable approach in the day-to-day running of our operations. Indeed, every innovation must be measured by the preservation of the natural balance, respect for water, the earth and the defense of biodiversity.

A sustainable philosophy also followed by our sister company Orti dei Berici.

All the good of technology

Every production process is controlled and optimized using high-tech tools such as sensors placed in the fields and irrigation systems, GPS, drones, weather stations. These innovations make it possible to better manage resources and help improve efficiency, quality and product traceability.

The Naturello chain, shorter than this is impossible

We choose the most suitable soils for
the cultivation of our vegetables
We select the best
seeds from our plants
We grow the varieties best suited
to our climate and soils
We harvest at the right time to
guarantee the quality of our production
We process raw materials
into genuine, fresh recipes
We use packaging that respects
the organoleptic properties of the products

We prepare the encounter between the right seeds and the most suitable soils

We select the best seeds from our plants to grow the varieties most suitable to our climate and soils.
We have always listened to the earth and indulged nature, respecting its rules and timing to obtain fresh and genuine products that respect the quality of the raw materials.


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For the B2B


Our growth model is sustainable
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